Fifth Semester Question Paper ( Diploma in IT Engineering)
1Program: Diploma in Computer Engineering/ Information Technology Full Marks: 80
Year/Part: IIII/I (2022) Pass Marks: 32
Subject: Computer Graphics Time: 3 hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicare full marks
Attempt any EIGHT questions.
1.Define computer graphics and its application in different fields. Differentiate between raster and random scan display.[5+5]
2.Using midpoint circle algorithm plot a circle whose radius isequal to 10, centered at origin. [10]
3.Derive the DDA line drawing algorithm for m<1 and m>1.[10]
4. What is perspective projection? Explain 3D reflection and rotation with example.[2+8]
5.What are different hidden surface removal techniques? Explain. [10]
6.Explain phong shading model. Describe different types of virtual reality.[5+5]
7 Define the terms resolution and anti-aliasing. What are the different graphics packages and mention their features?[4+6]
8.Describe different types of input and output devices used in computer graphics.[10]
9.Write short notes on: (any TWO)[2x5]
a.Two dimensional transformation
b.Polygon table
c.CRT monitor
Good Luck!
Program: Diploma in IT Engineering Full Marks: 80
Year/Part: III/I (2016) Pass Marks: 32
Subject: Data Mining (Elective I) Time: 3 hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin' indicate full marks.