Chapter 2 Water Supply Importance Question Paper (second year first parts)

Chapter 2 Water Supply Importance Question (second year first parts)

Chapter 2_Water_Supply Importance_Question_paper_(second_year_first_parts)

1.Describe possible surface water sources for public water supply system.? (CTEVT,2066,2069)

2.Define wholesome water. What are the factor an which selection of site of impounded reservoir depends.(CTEVT,2065)

3.Enlist out the different type of surface and ground water sources. Explain about infiltration gallery?(CTEVT,2061,2066)

4.List out different sources of water supply scheme. Explain the criteria for selection of the sources?(CTEVT,2062,063,064)

5.Enlist sources of water supply. List out the selection criteria for impounded reservoir?(CTEVT,2067)

6.Listing the various sourses of water, describe spring source of water?(CTEVT, 2062,065)

7.Describe the different underground source of water with figure? (CTEVT,2069)

8 .List different sources of water supply? How do you select the source for a community?(CTEVT,2067)

9.What are the factor affecting selection of the source of water Explain?(CTEVT,2069)

10.What are the sources of water? Write selection of sources of water?(CTEVT,2071)

11.Discuss the merits and demerits of source and ground water sources. Write selection criteria of sources?(CTEVT,2070)

12.Distinguish between shallow and deep well? Explain the factor governing the selection of sources?(CTEVT,2071)

13.What are the various sources used in water supply schemes? Discuss their merits and demerits from their quality and quantity point of view?

14.Describe the basis for selection of water source. List out the factor affecting the choosing a river intake?

15.What are the rain sources of water? Write selection criteria for sources?(CTEVT,2061)

16.Write short notes on : 

a)  Infiltration wells

b)  Selection criteria of water source 

c)   Water right problem

d)  Shallo and deep wells

e)  Tube well

f)   Springs

g)  Infiltration gallery

h)  Factor affecting choice of source of water supply

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