Laborotory Preparation of Chlorine by the application of heat and Without the application of heat Chemistry-II (CTEVT)

 Laborotory Preparation of Chlorine by the application of heat and Without the - application of heat  Chemistry-II (CTEVT) 

Laborotory_Preparation_of_Chlorine_by_the_application_of_heat_and_Without_the_application_of_heat _Chemistry-II_(CTEVT)



Symbol: cl

Atomic Number:17

Atomic Mass: 35


They are very active non-metals and are always obtained in combined state mostly as salt of alkali and alkaline earth metals. These salts are highly soluble in water and they occur in ocean water, sea water contain 2% chlorine as chloride.

. Laborotory preparation of Chlorine

1.) By the application of heat:

Chlorine is prepared in the laboratory by heating the mixture of sodium or Potassium Chloride Conc H2SO4 and MNO2  the HCL first formed is oxidised by  MNO2  with  the evolution of chlorine gas. Chlorine is heavier than air ( Vapour density 35.46) therefore it is collected by the upward displacement of air.

Nacl + conc.H2SO4  ͢Δ  NaH2SO4 + HCl] ×2
MNO2 + H2SO4 →  MNO2 + H2O +[O]
2Hcl    + [O]  → Cl2  +H2O

2Nacl + 3H2SO4 + MNO2  ͢Δ 2NaH2SO4 + MnSO4 +2H2O + Cl   

Laborotory_Preparation_of_Chlorine_by_the_application_of_heat_and_Without_the_application_of_heat _Chemistry-II_(CTEVT)


The impurities in the chlorine thus prepared are HCL and water. HCL is remov ed from Cl by passing the gas through water in a wish-bottle because HCL is highly Soiuble in water whereas Cl has very low solubility and it gets saturated readily and escaped from the wash bottle as moist Cl then the moist gas is allowed to pass from the delivery tube through another wash bottle containing conc.H2SO4 where moisture is absorbed completely finally dry  Cl is collected in the gas jar by the upward displacement of air.

2.) Without the application of  Heat:


when crystals of KMNO4  are treated with conc HCL evolution of Cl gas takes place at ordinary temperature without the application of heat.

2 KMNO4  + 6 Hcl  → 2 Kcl + 2 Mn Cl +3H2O +5[O]
 2 HCl +[O] → H2O +Cl ] 5  

2 KMNO4  + 16 HCl   2 KCl + 2 Mn Cl +8 H2O +5 Cl

Laborotory_Preparation_of_Chlorine_by_the_application_of_heat_and_Without_the_application_of_heat _Chemistry-II_(CTEVT)

This is very convenient laboratory method because it takes place in cold and the rate of production of chlorine can easily be controlled and if the gas is collected over brine the experiment need not be conducted in a fume chamber.

A brisk reaction occurs as conc HCl is dropped into the flask containing KMNO4 . The gas free from Hcl and moisture can be collected in the gas jarif the process of purification is done as mentioned in case a.

Properties and Uses of Chlorine:

1.) Chlorine displaces Br and I from bromide and iodide solution

Cl + 2Na Br    2Nacl +Br
Cl + 2NaI     2Nacl + l  

2.) Action with Water  

It dec omposes water whn exposed to sunlight to liberate Oxygen.

Cl + 2H2O  → 4HCl + O 

3.) Bleaching Action

Declorication of a substance by a reagent is termed as bleaching action. Chlorine is suitable bleaching agent. Its bleaching action is permanent.

Cl + H2O  HCl + HOCl 
  HOCl  → HCl +[O]
Colored Flower + [O]  → Colorless Flower

4.) Action with Hypo [ Sodium thio Sulphate (Na S O 3  )]

 Na S O 3 + Cl + H2O    Na SO4  +2HCl +S 
                                                 Sodium Sulphate

5.) Action With dry Slaked Lime

Chlorine reacts With dry Slaked to give Bleaching Powder.
Ca (OH)  + Cl    CaOCl + H2
                                     Bleaching Powder

Use of Chlorine

1. It is used to remove the colcuring Matter.
2. Use as a Disintectant and Germicide for the sterilization of Drinking water.
3. Using the Manufacture of DDT ( dichlore diphenyi trichloro etane) and Preparation of bleaching Powder Chlorform , Carbon tetra Chloride (CCL4)

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