Past Question Paper Irrigation & Drainage Engineering.

Past Question Paper Irrigation & Drainage Engineering.


Program:Diploma in Civil Engineering   

Subject:  Irrigation &Drainage Engineering


 Condidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.                               

Attempt Any Five questions.                 

 1.a) Define irrigation. Discuss about the importance and scope of irrigation in context of Nepal. [2+3+3]

2.b) what do you mean by command area for irrigation? Explain about water requirement of different crops. [4+4]
2.a)  The gross commanded area for a distributary is 5000 hectares and the culturable commanded area is 3100 hectares. The intensity of irrigation for kharif is 35% and that for Rabi is 55%.If the average duty at the head of distributary  is 600 ha/cumecs for kharif and 170 ha/cumecs for Rabi. Determine the discharge at the head of the distributary. [8]
b)  Explain about stream flow measurement by velocity area method. [8]
3.a) Under what condition sprinkler irrigation is preferred? Write down the advantages and disadvantages of this method.  [3+5]
   b)  Differentiate between surface and sub-surface irrigation.  [8]
4.a)  Design an irrigation cannel to carry a discharge of 12 cumecs. Assume N=0.0205,M=1 and B/D=3.5.  [8]
   b)  what is cannel alignment? Explain on factors affecting cannel alignment.  [2+6]
5.a)  Define outlet. What  should be the essential requirements of an outlet?  [2+6]
 b)  Explain operational and maintenance procedure of irrigation project.  [8]
6.  write shorts notes on: (Any Four )                                                         [4x4=16]
I.)   Canal falls           ii)  River training
iii)  Operation and maintenance of irrigation works
iv.)  Rain Guage
v.)  Preventive measures of Water logging

                             Good Luck !!


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